
Showing posts from June, 2012

Cooking, Clutter and Clothes

This week is racing by and I'm actually thankful for that. I was unable to convince the parents to go out to eat Tuesday but I actually spent some girl time with Mom.  Our visits usually consist of her venting about my siblings, discussions about bills, questions about junk mail and phone calls they need me to make for them. We both enjoyed not worrying about anything and just talking. Progress on Goals I survived my doctor's appointment on Tuesday.  Yesterday, I did the pizza mystery shop and the kids were thrilled.  I've listed 5 items on Ebay and hope to do 5 more today. Today I am going to make a trip to get some things for my stockpile. I  have been sorting out my coupons and don't want to spend any more than $10. Cooking has been so/so, I've been a bit out of it.  Putting some chicken in the crockpot and hope it turns out yummy. Work on kiddo time....still don't know what to do? Also will be never ends. I...

106 for the high....really?!

These past few days have been crazy hot! Looked at weather forecast and today's high will be 106!  I would prefer to stay home today but I have things to do. I have a followup appointment with the doctor today.  I'll be glad when it is over.  Also, taking my parents to run an errand or two.  Hopefully, the kiddos can convince them to go to lunch with us.  I like making it a day out with them every once in a blue :) This afternoon, I plan on working on my goals for the week. Hoping to make some progress! Have a good one :)

Goals for this week....

Goals for this week 1. List at least 10 items - its a busy week and if I can list some of the fine china I purchased it will be great 2. Get Tuesday over with - have a dr's appt which I'm dreading because plain and simple- I hate going to the doctor 3. Do mystery shop on Wednesday - have a pizza mystery shop so should be easy...I will not flake out. 4. Get some clothes for the trip...we've been bargain shopping and have done pretty well.  Found kiddo2 some tees on clearance at the mall - paid $11 for 3 tees.  Also found some cute sandals for $15. 5.  Cook every night this week...there is plenty here at home and looking forward to using what we have. 6. Enjoy kiddo time....don't want the kiddos to get lost in the shuffle of my to do list! 7. Replenish stockpiles....they are dwindling and I have to stock up on personal care items.  I refuse to pay full price! 8. Declutter! I think that should do it....I just want to have some kind of plan fo...

Just a quick trip to the ER...

So day before yesterday, I woke up with my face feeling fizzy and my arm hurting. Fast forward to yesterday and still not feeling well. Made an appt for today but by 330pm yesterday, I felt really off and had Mr. Man take me to the ER. After an EKG, blood tests, and chest X-ray, I was given the all clear. Doc thinks it is most likely muscle strain if not my neck. Even though I am not thrilled about getting the ER bill, I think my piece of mind is worth that and much more. It absolutely crushed me to leave the kiddos with family when I left. I rarely go to the doc because thankfully I'm okay most of the time but yesterday really freaked me out. An emergency fund is so important in times like these and well ours is pretty much nonexistent but I can't even complain about that. I'm just glad the doc said I was okay.  On a funny note, after I came home Kiddo1 pointed out that it was a no spend day because we had lunch at Grandma's house and dinner was bought by my sist...

You won't know unless you ask!

Yay....I am so excited.  I have an appointment this afternoon to pick up three sets of fine china.  I initially saw them for sale with a bunch of other items.  I only wanted the dish sets and thankfully after a week or two of back and forth they agreed on my offer.  Its over a 100 pcs total for $50.  I am so psyched because my plans are to list them on Ebay. I have been on the hunt for inventory and this could really help!  

Happy Father's Day!

A big Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful dads out there! Wrote my father a little something :) To my Dad, You have always been there for me, whether it was picking me up from school, driving us all over the place for vacations, helping me pick out my prom dress (albeit against your will because Mom was out of or driving me up to college.  You always have stood quietly on the sidelines cheering us on and never take any of the spotlight. You are strong, giving and kind. You are a true gentleman and I'm so blessed to have you! Love, Maggie

My Purse Search is Over :)

So, I had mentioned in my last post that I was on the hunt for a new bag.  Initially, I only wanted to pay no more than $30 for a brand new bag.  That's a big splurge for me.  I had been looking at every store possible.  I wanted something easy to maintain and roomy but not huge.  I looked in department stores, discount stores and everywhere in between.  I did this while searching for clothes for our sense wasting a trip.  Well, today on my way home I decided to pop into a thrift store near my Mom's house and there hanging on the huge wall of handbags was a like new Tignanello handbag. I couldn't find any signs of it being used besides the absence of a price tag.  It was simple, black, cute and roomy.  I couldn't believe it.  I had just seen a Tignanello handbag at the dept. store yesterday for $150.  The bags were comparable in size but different design.  Either way I new this bag was made well and I would ...'s what's for breakfast!

Last night, Mr. Man suggested going to dinner with the kiddos.  Its a rare occasion that Mr. Man wants to eat out on a weeknight but he had been craving pizza.  We decided to go and of course the kids were happy to eat out.  It's becoming a few and far between treat :)  We brought home the leftovers and I decided to have a slice for breakfast.  Not the healthiest choice, but to my credit I only had one slice. I didn't want to go run errands with kids and be hungry.  Not sure if anyone has noticed, but I added a savings ticker over here----> It was originally for Christmas but I decided to switch it to Back to School since we are always hit with school shirts, school supplies and club expenses. Let me not forget, school pictures (one set taken within the first month of school) and school fundraisers (again first month of school).  Today, I'm on the hunt for trip items. Kiddos and I are in desperate need of some shoes.  And I need...

Leftover Quiche...eating out...decluttering

I made the leftover quiche yesterday and it turned out pretty good for my first attempt.  Mr. Man wasn't so jazzed about the crust so I may make it crustless next time. I enjoyed it and am heating a slice up for lunch. As the summer goes on...I'm trying to keep busy and resist the temptation of eating out with the kids.  Up until now we have eaten a couple of times at in and out type places and kept it under $15 for all three of us. Its just hard when we are out running errands and the kiddos start getting hungry.  We will see how we fare this week. I'm listing today and hope to make a few sales by days end.  I'm also putting boxes of stuff together.  I think I'm going to have a garage sale this Friday.  I can make a few bucks for our trip and get rid of some clutter. On the debt front, aside from medical bills, all  has been quiet. We are making progress and I'm glad to see that we have eliminated almost $4000 of deb...

Fridays...talking house, money and chocolate cake

As always, I am thrilled it is Friday :)  In the process of creating Mr. Man's honey do list.  I told him yesterday that we need to start being more "house proud".  For the past few years we have always seen our house as a temporary home but with rising housing costs and our desire to travel more with the kiddos we have come to realize that giving the kiddos more life experiences versus a new home is more beneficial to them.  Our house is perfectly fine, albeit a few repairs/refinishing that it needs. This summer, Mr. Man mentioned being able to tackle at least one item on the list every weekend.  He is going to be a very busy man ;)   Anywho...this week we were determined to get by.  We started out the week with little money and a need to grocery shop. Thankfully, my ebay sales were good and I also finally got around to selling some scrap gold. They were items I didn't intend on ever wearing again or...

Last day of cable....

Today is the day.  Our last day of cable...I will miss knowing its there but don't watch it enough to care :P  Internet person comes today so I have to clean up!  Ugh.  Will be doing some more listing/decluttering.  I have a huge mound of school papers to get through. Wish I could keep every scribble and drawing but at this rate I'll need another room in a few years just to store them! I hope to finally make a chocolate cake today.  It will be my first "from scratch" cake!  I hope its yummy :)  Hope everyone has a good one! Update:  Just realized there will be no one coming to connect Internet service.  Its DIY.  Guess its on the Honey Do list.  Well, at least I cleaned up my desk and kitchen.  And all before 10am! 


I so love Fridays!  Mr. Man says everyday is my Friday which is so not true.  He thinks that because I stay at home but he forgets how much there is to do in the course of a day.  So today's schedule looks like this: Do Laundry all day (load/unload as I come and go) Go to Kiddo2's school to pick up paperwork Take Kiddos to the park - they need some sun :) Mail Ebay packages Figure out lunch! Clean bathrooms Sort through closets (thinking about putting up a yard sale tomorrow) Wash dishes (I have a dishwasher but don't like using it) Make dinner Hoping and praying its a No Spend Day but with the kiddos nothing is ever guaranteed :D  I think I can get through the entire list today.  Maybe even add a walk by the bay later this evening. We will see!  What is your Friday looking like?