Goals for this week....

Goals for this week

1. List at least 10 items - its a busy week and if I can list some of the fine china I purchased it will be great

2. Get Tuesday over with - have a dr's appt which I'm dreading because plain and simple- I hate going to the doctor

3. Do mystery shop on Wednesday - have a pizza mystery shop so should be easy...I will not flake out.

4. Get some clothes for the trip...we've been bargain shopping and have done pretty well.  Found kiddo2 some tees on clearance at the mall - paid $11 for 3 tees.  Also found some cute sandals for $15.

5.  Cook every night this week...there is plenty here at home and looking forward to using what we have.

6. Enjoy kiddo time....don't want the kiddos to get lost in the shuffle of my to do list!

7. Replenish stockpiles....they are dwindling and I have to stock up on personal care items.  I refuse to pay full price!

8. Declutter!

I think that should do it....I just want to have some kind of plan for this week.  Ya'll have a good one!


Out My window said…
okay now I am tired!

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