Life, Dad update and America 2021

So it has been 10 months since the pandemic changed how we live. It feels like much, much longer. 

Kiddo1 and Kiddo2 are learning from home. It has been a challenge but they have adapted. Mr. Man has had to make changes at his job. His work is pretty stressful and the changes due to the pandemic have only added to his and his coworkers' stress levels. As for myself, change has been difficult on many fronts. 

Caring for Dad in this third year was the biggest challenge. It was 7 of us, my five brothers coming from different cities to care for him on a weekly basis, my sister (who had recently returned to teaching) and me. We managed as best we could and did it as safely as possible. Unfortunately, a couple of months ago, Dad passed away. It had nothing to do with the virus and simply the effects of his stroke and dementia that slowly took him. He died peacefully at home. 

So now, I'm having to readjust to living.  I am trying to stay busy with life and yet still feel the pull of my once daily routine of caring for Dad. It has been a hard transition, one that I am trying to get used to. I've been leaning on the support of my brothers and sister who helped care for Dad. We unknowingly formed a bond because of our shared experience with Dad. 

As far as life here in the United States, it has been a very strange time. The world is changing and you can feel the resistance of a certain segment of America. Why? I personally don't understand. It seems the majority of people I've come in contact with look forward to a more united country. However, I think certain people don't like the idea of national change disturbing their personal comfort.  Maybe I'm wrong. Regardless, the ugly side of it culminated in the breaking in of the Capitol yesterday. It was disgraceful, violent and shameful. America is fairly young compared to most of the world and the traditions we do have are respected across the board. Yesterday, we all watched in disbelief. How can anyone proclaim to love our country in one moment and completely disrespect it in the next. Peaceful protest is always welcome but what was on display yesterday for us and all the world to see was absolutely not what the United States of America is about. 

So what happens next, who knows? 2021 is only 6 days in and all the hope we had when 2020 finally ended is already beginning to chip away. I pray it does get better for us all. It has to. 


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