Just a quick trip to the ER...

So day before yesterday, I woke up with my face feeling fizzy and my arm hurting. Fast forward to yesterday and still not feeling well. Made an appt for today but by 330pm yesterday, I felt really off and had Mr. Man take me to the ER. After an EKG, blood tests, and chest X-ray, I was given the all clear. Doc thinks it is most likely muscle strain if not my neck. Even though I am not thrilled about getting the ER bill, I think my piece of mind is worth that and much more. It absolutely crushed me to leave the kiddos with family when I left. I rarely go to the doc because thankfully I'm okay most of the time but yesterday really freaked me out. An emergency fund is so important in times like these and well ours is pretty much nonexistent but I can't even complain about that. I'm just glad the doc said I was okay. 

On a funny note, after I came home Kiddo1 pointed out that it was a no spend day because we had lunch at Grandma's house and dinner was bought by my sister who with the help of her daughter watched and fed my kiddos :)  Plus my Mom came over and did my mountain of dishes.  I was so embarrassed but grateful for all their help...love them to bits!


Out My window said…
Glad you are okay, family is wonderful!
QandADebt said…
Thank you :) Yes they are! I'm counting my blessings!

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