Every bit helps!
This weekend was spent organizing, listing, and preparing for the first day of school. I cleaned out the cupboards on Saturday. I had a large grocery bag of food...items that the kiddos didn't like after all, knew we were never going to use or had expired. I was going to throw out the expired food (all boxed items) but decided to put them and all the other items on our local Freecycle site. I put a description of all items as well as all best by/ better use by dates. I was very surprised at all the responses I received. Each person expressed their family's need for the food items. It was hard to choose but I recognized a family who I had picked up craft items from many years ago. They are a family of 12. I told Mr. Man that I wish I had more to give. I frequently come upon clearance items at the grocery store for pennies. I told Mr. Man I will be buying items and stockpiling them and then give them away. I told...