So this morning I woke up MOTIVATED!  Motivated to clean, organize and just get stuff done.  I've already cleaned out the foyer, vacuumed the living room, vacuumed the dining room, thrown out the trash, put out the recycling, decluttered, cleaned up my new to me lamp (bought it for $3 at a garage sale), put away the clean dishes and swept the kitchen.  The house has felt so cluttered that I needed to sort through a lot of this and that.  I have 3 grocery bags of unwanted items to take to my Mom's.  I try to take at least a bag or two once a week to her.  She sells what she can, keeps what she wants and donates the rest. 

Right now, I'm waiting on the kiddos to get dressed.  I have to run to the bank to get some cash because our central air is not cooling and in 100 plus degree weather its needed.  Luckily, despite all our bad financial decisions, we have managed to always pay for our home maintenance plan.  It has saved us on more than one occasion.  We pay $47 a month and a $55 service call for each visit. They assess the problem and fix it.  A few things aren't covered but the majority is and its been a lifesaver just about every year.  We compared what the actual repairs would have cost versus what we pay and we are getting one heck of a deal everytime.

I've also got some cooking on the agenda.  I have some chicken thawing for tonight.  I'm also going to be putting some beans in the crockpot.  For dessert, I'm going to make some banana bread. 

I have some listing planned for early this afternoon.  We really need the cash so I'm hoping to put up about 10 items to add to the 10 existing items I have up.  I also need to sort out some items to sell on our local for sale site.  If I can make 100 dollars on the local sales by tomorrow that would be great. 

Hope everyone has a great Monday and hope to catch up on everyone's blogs this evening :)


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