Thoughts on the anniversary of 9/11....
Woke up this morning with my heart a little heavy. This day always brings some anxiety. Like the rest of the nation we are remembering the terrible events of this days 11 years ago. It especially hits home because my mother in law was in the first tower to be hit. She said she remembered the building shook and seeing debris fall past her window. She had been in the the 1993 World Trade center bombing and quickly remembered the safety drill instructions she had been given over the years. Drop everything and leave. She didn't even go back to her desk to get her glasses, she said she just left. She hurried down 70 plus flights of stairs and upon exiting remembers a policeman telling her not to look back or up. She listened and quickly walked to one of the city's bridges. A couple of hours later she found out her building was gone. The memory of my husband crying when the building came down will never leave my mind. He remembered it took 2 hours to evacuate her in 1993. The bulding came down well before that and we thought she was gone not realizing she had made it our safely. We give thanks daily for her surviving but we also pray for those who lost loved ones. It is crazy how quickly life can change. Ever since that day, I defintley hug my loved ones a bit tighter and tell them I love them. We will NEVER FORGET.