Trying to avoid backsliding into oblivion!

I have not written in a WHILE! I'm so glad school is almost out for summer. You would think I could remember all these expenses like yearbooks, class parties, teacher gifts and field trips. I finally laid it out in a language they could understand..."If we save money by NOT eating out and NOT buying random junk then a trip to DisneyWorld would be possible just about every year!" They were amazed! Now....they know we would not go to DisneyWorld every year but they actually were listening to what I was saying versus tuning me out. LOL!

I plan on listing like a mad woman next week.  I need to make some moola in a serious way. Plus, my organizing has gone off track and I need to get it under control again. So much to do and I'm looking forward to it :)

Have a great Weekend!


Lena said…
Glad to see you back!:) We have one day of school left, and I'm beyond excited!
QandADebt said…
Hooray! Glad school is over for you as well :) This weekend I am looking forward to catching up on your blog and all my other favorites as well!

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