Life during a Stay at Home Order

Pic from our visit to NYC Dec 2019

Our city issued a stay at home order March 25, 2020. The kids have been not going to any public places since March 13, 2020. School will be closed till May. That may be extended but all we can do is wait and see. Some of you many know that I help care for my Dad in his home. He will be 91 years old tomorrow. To say he amazes me is an understatement. His will to live is strong despite being unable to walk or talk. He has dementia so some days he is very present and some days its a struggle. But through it all, he has given all eight of his grown children strength to persevere despite what life throws at us. I have reduced my hours caring for Dad since my kiddos are home. Kiddo2 requires help with schoolwork and some days have been challenging. I have a little more time to work on Ebay which has been a big help since I can list a few things to help buy Dad's essential needs.

Daily Life has been a big adjustment. I'm still trying to cope with the separation from Dad. He took up such a huge part of my day. That has now been replaced with cooking breakfast for my kiddos (loving this!), working on school work the majority of the day, cleaning my house (happy to breathe a little life into my home) and being present for my family. I find myself a bit guarded because I know once this is over, life will go back to "normal" for me. It was important to step back because Kiddo1 is asthmatic and going out daily would not be wise.

Mr. Man's place of business is deemed essential, so while we are thankful we still have an income coming in, every day is stressful. We have no idea how long he will continue to work. His paycheck will also be reflecting the slowdown in his workload. Our daily interaction has changed as well, He leaves his shoes outside and goes straight to the shower. I do the same once I get home from Dad's house. I wear a face mask when I am around people outside of home. The constant handwashing, cleaning and sanitizing can wear us out but we know it is necessary. 

Mr. Man's brother lives near New York City and he is currently recovering from what he believes is COVID19. The symptoms were fever, extreme fatigue/body aches and extreme shortness of breath. He does not smoke, rarely drinks and leads a very healthy lifestyle. He said the symptoms came without warning and all at once. He said walking just 10 feet was a struggle. Once he was able to videoconference with a doctor a couple of days later he no longer had a fever so he was told not to go to the hospital. He said although he feels a bit better he still cannot resume normal activities without getting fatigued. He currently has self quarantined himself in a room as to minimize contact with his pregnant wife and two small children. We are thankful that his situation is not any worse. As so many are suffering with this virus. 

So what keeps us sane? Staying informed but not watching the news every waking moment. Enjoying our time together. We feel life has changed and we are now living day to day. Our pets have been happy to have a full house! LOL! The term "live your best life" has never meant more than in these times. I take inspiration and comfort from the beautiful acts of kindness being played out worldwide. I truly believe it is as my mother said "There are far more good people in this world than bad". 

I hope all who may read this are well and continue to do well. 


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