Dadwatch Day 13 - Life in the ICU

I know I haven't put up any Dadwatcch posts before this but frankly I'm bored out my mind. Dad is sleeping and I'm here watching closed caption tv on mute. There was just a code blue a few doors down and thankfully the person seems to be okay. My days are filled with doctors, nurses, therapists, paperwork and other stuff  that makes everything at times difficult to deal with.  I just want to sit here with Dad and talk. Unfortunately, he can't speak so it's hours of yes, no, blank stares, half smiles and attempts to get up although half his body won't cooperate. I feel like my kids and husband are being ignored although not one has complained. I feel like my life is not mine but everyone else's. Frankly, I'm burning out and I know it. I want to cry daily, especially when I leave my kids in the evening to come to the hospital. They are continually making sacrifices that kids shouldn't have to make. I'm thankful for Mr. Man who has been amazing but eventually for my sanity a stopping point must be reached. I have to learn to create a better balance somehow. I've been leaning on my faith the past couple of weeks and that is the only thing that helps me deal with it all. I hope my next update will be
full of good news, rainbows and sunshine. Until then, hug your dads tight  and tell them you love them because tomorrow is never promised.


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