Busy Paying off Debt!

For the past year, I have been paying off debt. Am I debt free yet? Not yet but my debt payoff plan is gaining momentum and we are putting larger chunks of money towards our debt repayment. We have paid off three credit cards which I am so happy about. By December of 2018, we hope to be free of all credit card debt. I also expect to pay off a loan as well. I see the light at the end of the tunnel but I know there is still a ways to go before we are 100% debt free.

It has not been easy and requires willpower that we sometimes do not have. Do we still go out to eat a bit too much. YES. Do we still buy a lottery ticket in hopes of winning big, YES. However, we also have recognized our triggers. Before, my husband and I enabled each other. Now we try to talk each other off a financial ledge. We are financially growing up.

Paying off 3 credit cards has enabled us to plan for a family vacation as well as a family reunion. Could we pay off debt quicker by staying at home? Absolutely, but we realize we have to take a break sometimes and have some fun. We are paying for our vacation and Mr. Man's family reunion with cash. We refuse to put anything on credit. Its counterproductive. We know how it will play out if we do. We will put it off, keep charging and then eventually max out the card. NOT what we want to do.

We also have a plan and a budget. We have adjusted our budget for our trips. Grocery, gas and entertainment budget have been halved to account for our vacation spending. We also will be purchasing tickets online before our trip so that the only spending we will do is for food and gas.

I hope in the coming months, you all will see more items on our debt page disappear. I also hope to get back to reading some of my favorite budget blogs as well as finding new ones.

I'm off to list more items on Ebay, hope you all have a happy rest of the week!


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