Working on my TO DO list!

Good Morning All! I must have started about 10 posts over the past few months and each time I would start over because I thought they weren't good enough. So I promised myself that Today I'd post no matter what!

Summer has begun and I have been working away at my TO DO List!

  • The majority of my Ebay Inventory is now neatly put away in bins on racks in the garage. YAY!

  • The fireplace is done and our living room is painted.  Yippee!

  • Mr. Man and I have started an emergency fund...all these years and we kept failing at it. We have worked our savings into our budget and I hope we keep the momentum going!

  • I've been decluttering like a mad woman.  I tend to hold on to too much stuff.  I'm learning to let go of the unnecessary.  This has been the hardest for me!

  • I am meal planning to reduce food waste. Eating out is my crutch! I'm trying to find simple and healthy meals that can both use what we have on hand and don't result in tons of food waste.

  • I have put myself on a buying freeze for Ebay! I have so much stock at the moment that I need to work through it before I can think of going on any big buying trips. I am allowing myself to buy only if its a rare or high end piece.

  • I'm dedicating time to ME. I have made small goals to work on my mind and body. For the next fourteen days, I challenged myself to get on the treadmill at least once a day. I am also being mindful of what I eat, while still giving myself room for a yummy dessert occasionally.

Here's my meal plan for this week: 

Monday - Baked chicken breast, string beans and brown rice

Tuesday - Enchiladas with fresh pinto beans

Wednesday - Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup


Friday - Bean and Cheese Tostadas and Spanish rice

Saturday - Mr. Man is BBQing

Sunday - Cheese Tortellini with Red Sauce and Salad

Monday - Hot Dogs

Be Grateful, Be Kind and Be Happy!


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