Busy with Dad, Side Hustles and Ebay!

So grateful to be too busy...to me that means that I still have purpose somewhere in this crazy life! Dad has had a few ER visits but thankfully he's doing okay so that is a big plus.

 Side hustle wise, I've turned it up a notch. I have been signing up for surveys for cash online. Made $125 last month on an online focus group I qualified for. I also have done a few mystery shops. Received a check for $36 for a SUPER easy pizza shop.

I also rented a very small booth space in an antique mall. Its about the width of a small bookcase and about 7 feet tall lengthwise. But I was elated to get the space. I have been inquiring every few months for about 2 years. So I was so happy to get my foot in the door. I have been taking items that are not quite right for Ebay but I believe still have value and I don't want to take them to Dad's fleamarket booth (He's overflowing with stuff right now). Its $40 per month and I already have made my booth fee in sales so I'm excited.

On Ebay, I have been listing and listing. I really am trying hard to reclaim my house and I refuse to stow away things in a storage room to be forgotten. So I am listing every chance I get. Sales have been good and I'm trying to increase my Ebay store inventory. I have plenty of stock to list so I'm scaling back on buying because frankly its ridiculous. In the past few months I did have one monster sale (for me that is) of over $2500. It helped out at just the right time.

I'm hoping to catch up on all my favorite blogs this weekend.

Oooh....one last thing....my Ebay tip for today....be on the lookout for high end perfume bottles. The possibility of finding them is very good considering everyone at one time or another will either buy or receive a nice quality perfume. If the bottle reads Made in France the chance it will sell is greater. They can bring in a pretty penny :)


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