Trying to REMODEL on a budget!

I feel like I've been away far too long! Things have been hectic for Mr. Man and I.  We are currently remodeling our home.  We had decided to sell it a few months ago and we were house hunting. Everything was on go but then came the realization that all the homes on the market did not meet our needs. We wanted a larger room for Kiddo2 but everything was actually the same size or smaller. And lets not get into how Kiddo1's room was bigger than anything we saw. We came to the conclusion that we would have to try to make it work where we are. Now, our dilemma was....How do we remodel our existing home without breaking the bank.  It would be crazy to put a ridiculous amount of money into a house whose value will never go beyond a certain point.  We priced roofers, chimney guys, floor people and general contractors. It was kind of a hit or miss kind of thing because people basically charge whatever they want. Mr. Man asked coworkers for recommendations and I asked my family. What we saved was amazing! Roofer guy price difference $1300! Flooring installer difference $1650! Our decisions were not made hastily. We shopped around and had several quotes. We wanted to be sure the people we hired were knowledgeable and dependable. Yesterday was the first day of remodeling! Chimney brick/wall was removed. I'm excited for the changes to come :)


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