Making money and spending money

Summer has ended...the kiddos are back in school...and I've been trying to ramp up my listings on Ebay. Summer sales were rather dismal but I didn't give up.....I listed and listed and listed....I kept hearing other sellers say to stock your store and prepare for sales to ramp up in September. Thankfully August was a huge month for me. I sold about 35 items and made a little over $800! I was very proud of myself. The money came in very handy for school clothes and supply shopping. I'm going to try to keep the momentum going and hopefully save enough in September to pay off one of our credit cards which has a balance of  $433. I've been listing everything under the sun. No item too big or too small. To my surprise, clothes have been a big seller. One item that always surprises me is old glasses and sunglasses. They are always guaranteed to sell so its worth digging around to see if they are worth anything. I will be updating my debt totals tonight so I'm hoping to get back under 150,000 but I'm not sure. Hope y'all have a great week!


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