The joys of winter break homework...

Dad has the sniffles today and told me to stay home and take care of Mr. Man who has been also under the weather. Thankfully, Mr. Man is better than he was the past couple of days so not much for me to do there. In fact, he took Kiddo2 fishing and I get to help Kiddo1 with an English essay.  The joy! I pride myself in being a smarty pants (don't we all?!)  and well I was appalled at Kiddo1's paper.  Poor kiddo didn't stand a chance luckily Mom is here to make them see the light of kid..I kid.  We are reworking Kiddo1's paper and slowly I see the light bulb getting brighter and brighter as they get what they are actually suppose to be writing about. When I entered this whole mommy business no one told me that at least 18 years of additional learning/relearning was required. Either way I don't think it would make a difference...I'd learn rocket science if it meant helping my kiddos with their homework..LOL!

Aside from homework, I am uber excited to get to using my KitchenAid Mixer that Mr. Man gifted me for Christmas :)  I've baked a few things but today I am craving tortillas so see how that works out.

Hopefully I can work in some reading time because I need a big dose of motivation for my budget planning!



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