So it has been 10 months since the pandemic changed how we live. It feels like much, much longer. Kiddo1 and Kiddo2 are learning from home. It has been a challenge but they have adapted. Mr. Man has had to make changes at his job. His work is pretty stressful and the changes due to the pandemic have only added to his and his coworkers' stress levels. As for myself, change has been difficult on many fronts. Caring for Dad in this third year was the biggest challenge. It was 7 of us, my five brothers coming from different cities to care for him on a weekly basis, my sister (who had recently returned to teaching) and me. We managed as best we could and did it as safely as possible. Unfortunately, a couple of months ago, Dad passed away. It had nothing to do with the virus and simply the effects of his stroke and dementia that slowly took him. He died peacefully at home. So now, I'm having to readjust to living. I am trying to stay busy with life and yet still feel t...
I have not written in a WHILE! I'm so glad school is almost out for summer. You would think I could remember all these expenses like yearbooks, class parties, teacher gifts and field trips. I finally laid it out in a language they could understand..."If we save money by NOT eating out and NOT buying random junk then a trip to DisneyWorld would be possible just about every year!" They were amazed! Now....they know we would not go to DisneyWorld every year but they actually were listening to what I was saying versus tuning me out. LOL! I plan on listing like a mad woman next week. I need to make some moola in a serious way. Plus, my organizing has gone off track and I need to get it under control again. So much to do and I'm looking forward to it :) Have a great Weekend!
So it has been quite a while since my last post. Between caring for Dad and my homelife there is not much room for much else. Friday was my last day of caretaking for the foreseeable future since Kiddo1 and Kiddo2 are not at home and starting school online due to the Corona virus pandemic. Dad is doing as well as can be expected. My siblings will continue caring for him. Adjusting to life in these times has not been easy. Store shelves are empty, friends and family are losing their jobs and the healthcare system here is beginning to show signs of strain. Everyone is tired, scared and full of anxiety. It is hard to be optimistic but everyone is trying. It is just scary times when you cannot find toilet tissue, milk, eggs or bread. Store lines are long and at times tempers may flare. People are trying to stay sane but with each day it gets a bit more difficult. We are all coping as best as can be expected. Aside from that I will take this time to help Kiddo2 with navigating school work. ...