Meal Planning, Exercising and Keeping Organized

Meal Planning has always been a challenge for me. Making a menu is easy but keeping to it is another story completely.  I may have found a middle ground that works for us.  While walking on the treadmill (I'll get to that in a bit), I was watching Youtube and came upon several meal planning videos.  The majority involves prepping food to be cooked/snacked on/prepared. So now, what I am doing is separating my fruits and veggies into small containers/baggies.  Like these:

I wish I had more containers to show but kids have been eating the fruit like crazy, which I'm pleased about because its a much better alternative to just eating junk. I have also started to make a large pot of oatmeal. We have it for breakfast and if we want a snack. Its so yummy and so nice on the pocketbook!  We are still in the early stages of our meal planning tweaks but I'm very hopeful we will make them lifelong habits. It doesn't hurt that its a big help to our food budget.

I started to walk/run on our treadmill at least 3 x per week.  My goal is to get on every day. The first week it was a challenge to walk much less run 20 minutes consistently at a fast pace.  Fast forward to two months later and I'm at 40 minutes.  I do not like exercising but as I get older I realize it is a need to lead a hopefully long life.  I feel great when I'm done walking/running and my overall mood is better.

Finally, while searching for meal planning vids I came across this great video for a Goof Proof Family Organizer . I am actually changing up my home organizer to incorporate some of her ideas.

Have a great Wednesday :)


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