A bowl of optimism :)

This year, Mr. Man and I are being very optimistic. Our thinking has always been to reduce debt. We are now seeing progress where the numbers are concerned.  I have upped my student loan payments (which up until now has not been included in our total debt), we will soon eliminate another credit card payment and my focus on additional income is so much better. I have been really trying to create a personal balance in my life and I've seen that translate into our financial lives. So simple yet took this long to finally "get it". I'm considering adding an additional page with daily spending. A little more accountability never hurts.

On a totally unrelated note, this cold weather has been awesome!  Yesterday, Dad invited me to lunch and we stopped in at a little Mexican place. The "caldo" or soup was heavenly.

Today, I will be working on listing on Ebay.  I have a mountain of medical debt that needs to be chipped away at so hopefully I'll make a few sales to help a little.

Hoping to catch up on some blogs later and as always organize, organize, organize. Have a wonderful day :)


Lena said…
This soup looks so good on a cold day!!

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