Preparing for Thanksgiving, Making Pie and Getting our Financial "Act" Together

So this week will involve lots of cleaning and lots of cooking! This is the first Thanksgiving without my Mom :(  She told us all what to bring and what to do when it came to Thanksgiving and doing it all without her this year is a little scary for me and my sister. All my siblings will be bringing sides and desserts. In preparation for the influx of family, the kiddos and I will be helping Dad clean his house for the next couple of days.

Keeping with the Thanksgiving theme, I made a pie! I'm a thrower together of food and not a great baker. So when Kiddo2 informed me that I needed to make a blackberry pie for their pie tasting party, I was a little freaked out.  All the other kids had signed up for the "normal" pies and I wasn't going to get off easy by sending a store bought pie. I was bummed but for my kiddos I will do anything :) So, I made it on Friday.  It smelled yummy but I have no idea how it tasted. So I'm going to have to make another so we can sample it on Thanksgiving!

Now that it's holiday season, this is the most dangerous time for our finances.  It has been a bit hard not to go completely crazy and spend spend spend.  We decided to pay a large portion of our yearly property taxes and work the remaining balance into our monthly budget. I also upped the monthly payment on one of the credit cards to get it paid off in 9 months. I'm proud of us for veering back on track. I credit all the blogs I love to read who provide so much inspiration and advice!
I'm off to get ready and head to Dad's. Hoping everyone has a blessed week!


Lena said…
It looks delicious! I've never made a blackberry pie before. It would be a little intimidating for me too :)
QandADebt said…
It was incredibly easy! I googled Blackberry Pie recipe and was surprised by the short list of ingredients :)

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