Surviving the Weekend, getting back into couponing and bioparents

Well, the kiddos were in rare form this weekend.  They drove me a bit crazy but also made me so proud.  Just when I'm about to lose it they reel me back in with their helpfulness and of course lots of hugs!  Oh these kiddos.

I've been busily printing and clipping.  I'm kinda over paying full price on toothpaste and deodorant and so I've decided to stock up a bit on toiletries and such.  This is also my birthday month which means a whole lot of freebies and great coupons.  So I want to be sure to take advantage of the savings.

Moneywise, I'm down to $21 in the bank and am trying to figure out how to stretch it till Friday. That little temptation to fall back on credit always tries to creep in. Its hard but now I know to just shake off the feeling.

Lastly, I found out that Mr. Man's biodad passed away.  He never really knew him and has always considered his stepdad as "DAD", so when I told him he wasn't upset.  I think I took it a bit harder because losing Mom is still very new to me.  I had wanted him to at least contact him but I guess that wasn't meant to be. It makes me a bit sad.


never too old said…
I would have a huge stockpile if i lived in the US,i envy your coupons
QandADebt said…
I wish I could have a huge stockpile but I have a huge extended family so I'm always giving stuff away! Thanks so much for reading :)

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