Debt Totals updated and more cleaning
I've been plugging away at the cleaning around here. I'm suppose to take it easy for 3 more weeks so as you can imagine, cleaning is very slow going. Aside from that, I have updated my debt totals. God willing, I'm working on bringing that number way down by year's end. I have been sorting through clutter and all kinds of stuff. I took some to donate and I also have a big pile ready for Dad to take to the fleamarket. I've also managed to get through the day without spending a whole lot of money. Spent under $3 today at CVS. It would have been way more but I did a CVS survey this morning for $10 in Extracare bucks and printed out another $3 ECB that they sent me yesterday. I also had a coupon. So before, total was like $17 but I only paid $2.79 out of pocket. Wish everyday was a low spend day.
Off I go...
Off I go...