Trying to manage it all...

Lately, its been hard to get in a moment to just sit and be.  I have been shuttling between my home and Dad's.  Although, most people would say to have Dad stay at home with me. That would be easy except for the fact that he is grieving.  Home is where Mom was and continues to live in every picture, nic nac and curtain.  I go to my parent's home and I feel Mom all around me.  There is no way I can have him leave his home especially when that is where he is most comfortable.  At times I am tired and overwhelmed but having him laugh or smile keeps me going.  In between that I am having to manage the kids schedules, keep my own home semi livable and try to bring in some extra money. One minute I feel like I have it all under control and the next I'm a crying mess. Loss is not just hard, its heartbreaking.

Finances have taken a backseat at times and I'm slowly working my way back to some type of normalcy.  Our emergency fund is growing nicely.  Spending isn't exactly under control but its getting there.  I have so many things to list.  Time is my biggest challenge. These next few weeks will be challenging with the Easter holiday approaching. We will see how I do.  Wish me luck.

Hoping everyone has a great weekend!


Lena said…
I'm so sorry for all the pain both you and your Dad are going through right now!
QandADebt said…
Thank you Lena! Everyday it gets a tiny bit easier to deal with. It's just the adjustment to our new "normal" that is challenging.

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