With a New Year comes New Beginnings...

Financially this month has been absolutely horrible which only mirrors our month on the emotional front as well.  Now that the air is slowly clearing, I am getting in a better headspace to begin planning for next year.  With Mr. Man's new job comes a little more income.

So what are our goals for 2013...

1. Reduce my credit card debt by 30%.  Currently we have about $23,000 in credit card debt alone.  I would like to pay off at least $8000 by December 31, 2013.

2. Create an emergency fund of at least $3000.  This was my goal for last year and we failed miserably. I'm hoping to have better luck in 2013.

3. Reduce our daily expenses. I'd like to have more no spend days.  I will try to plan better and also modify my grocery lists with more healthy snacks that we can take from home when we head out to music class or therapy.

4. Open bank accounts for each of the kiddos.  They expressed interest at having their own accounts.  I'm all for them learning to be responsible with money.


~Carla~ said…
Great goals, good luck with them! :)

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