Recovering from surgery and saving money

My surgery is over and I'm recovering at home.  The most difficult part has been missing my mother. She took care of me after I had both kiddos and both of my previous surgeries. So not having her here to just talk to, cheer me up and make her yummy chicken soup has been difficult. I am thankful all came out fine. The last thing we are waiting on is some testing but the doctor was optimistic.

On the financial front, our reimbursement came in so we should be okay till Mr. Man's payday. I guess it helps that I'm home bound for a few days. Lol. Also, we found a bit of money on those government unclaimed money sites. Not a huge amount but a little to go to a medical bill.

On the EBay front, I will be listing this week and will be updating my money made totals.

I also will be updating my debt totals. I'm hoping to eliminate a credit card much sooner than anticipated. Mr. Man will use it for work so we will also have a near zero balance on it.

I'm off to get some shut eye. Hoping you all have a great week!


~Carla~ said…
Awww... :( If I were closer I'd come bring you soup! Hugs!! Hope you're feeling better soon!

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