A bit of Art and no shame

Yesterday, Mr. Man dared to venture out with me in tow.  We went to run some errands and visit my Dad, sis and brother at the indoor fleamarket. My Mom and Dad have a booth there so now my sis goes with Dad. I hobbled on by to visit.  The lady next door to him had this gorgeous frame which I had to snap up.  Her asking price...$25!  It is huge and the colors are so vibrant. My pic does not do it justice at all. I love it so much...I had Mr. Man put it over the fireplace.

Afterwards, we went to visit my Mom. I had not been to the cemetary in a few days and was eager to see the Valentine's flowers and decorations my wonderful sister had put up around mom's site.  It was beautiful :*)  

Today, I'm trying to pick up around the house.  There is no school tomorrow for the kiddos which is a big relief.  Mr. Man will be leaving on business later today so I'll be on my own with the kiddos till Tuesday.  Yikes. 

Before I leave I have to address the fact that my photo on my last post did not an ounce of good in publicly shaming me into sorting it out.  While I did relocate about 25% of the pile, the majority is still sitting here...next to me...mocking me.  I vow to get it done before Mr. Man gets back!

Hope everyone has a blessed Sunday :)


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