Mums, filing and a cold

So Kiddo2 and I are home sick today :(  Kiddo2 has a fall festival this evening at school and has stayed in bed all day in order to get better.  It seems to be working.  I on the other hand am a coughing and sneezing mess. This is the last thing I need before my surgery next week.  I am trying my hardest to rest up and "get better".  We will see.  In the meantime, I am filing all my Explanation of Benefits - how I love how medical insurance companies work (insert HEAVY sarcasm).  I guess it is a twist of "good" fortune, my surgery will be 90% paid by insurance. I guess it all balances out, since we pay for Kiddo2's therapy out of pocket at the tune of $480 per month.  The irony of it all. 

Mr. Man has been working like a madman.  It is helping out tremendously and we hope to be rid of at least one credit card bill by years end. 

Aside from that I sent Kiddo1 off to school and here is a pic of a couple of mums I made for friends. 
If I had paid for these at a shop it would have cost be at least $25 to $30.  My cost about $8-10. I may consider making these next year to sell but we will see. The larger ones go from about $50 on up.


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