Mr. Man, kiddos and a breakfast taco!

Yay for Saturdays!  Thursday and Friday were hectic.  Both kiddos stayed home sick Thursday and yesterday. Kiddo1 was still a bit under the weather in the am.  Mr. Man was sooo tired and gave me a good laugh when he said "I'm tired of bending over to pick things up!"  I said "Well, they don't magically pick themselves up."  I'm grateful for both his help but glad he is getting to see all that I do. The kids are feeling good today. Mr. Man took Kiddo2 out for the day :)  Kiddo1 had a sleepover a couple weekends ago and Kiddo2 was pretty bored so we decided today would be a special day of fun.  Mr. Man and Kiddo2 left for breakfast, then Best Buy (Kiddo2 had wallet and coupon in hand), maybe a swing by the arcade (another coupon in hand for a free go kart ride) and who knows what else :) 
Kiddo1 and I are getting dressed.  I'm still sore but am getting a little stir crazy all cooped up.  We are going to venture out for a breakfast taco.  Haven't had one in a few weeks and have been craving one. A cool front came into town so the temperature is currently 55 degrees.  LOVE IT!!! The rest of the day will be spent organizing coupons and Kiddo2 moving things for me in the closet. I will also be updating debt totals and money made totals. 

Hoping everyone has a great weekend :)


~Carla~ said…
Sounds like a fun day! :) Enjoy your weekend!

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