Happy 4th of July!

Wishing all those stateside a Happy 4th of July!  If only I could gain my independence from DEBT! lol....I'm grateful for a day to celebrate.  Husband went into work this morning.  I told him only till 12pm since its a holiday.  He's trying to get all his work squared away before we leave on our trip :) 
Kiddos just about have everything they need.  Hubby and I will probably try to maximize on the 4th of July sales and get what we need today. 

This morning, I woke up to find some of the china pieces I had listed on Ebay had sold!  I initially invested $50 on three boxes of dishes (about 100 pieces).  I have already recouped my investment on 16 pieces so I'm pleased.  I also had gone garage sailing with the parents and had found a couple of old bottles for a dollar each.  I was happy to sell them for over $30.  My Ebay sales have helped tremendously with our daily expenses. I am able to pay our bills and have money for the week. 

I was also able to work in some girl time. The friendship has been a bit rocky but I decided to meet for dinner.  Although I was happy to get out, I was reminded why we had not seen each other.  I have made the difficult decision to take a break from this person. Oh well, be careful what you wish for! 

Kiddo2 is going through cable withdrawl.  I keep hearing "I need LIVE TV!" LOL!!  The rest of us have fared pretty well.  I have been watching my shows online and its worked out well :) 

Well, I'm off to get dressed then get a few things for tonight.  Kiddo2 wants to make hotdogs and cupcakes!

Have a Happy Wednesday :)


Lena said…
Happy 4th of July to you too! You are on the right track, and you will have that big debt free celebration! Baby steps, baby steps,as long as they are in the right direction :)
QandADebt said…
Thanks Lena! I am trying but some days are easier than others.

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