Crazy Vacation!

Our vacation started off well.  We drove to Orlando and our first stop was the Nickelodeon Suites Resort. The kiddos were so excited!  It had an awesome waterpark area. There was also an arcade, movie theater and a live Double Dare show.  We stayed in a two room Spongebob suite. We had a blast and will definitely be going back.  The next morning, we headed to our inlaws.  Not even an hour had passed before I was lying in the guest room sick to my stomach. Half an hour later, Mr. Man took me to the ER.  The room would not stop spinning. A few hours later, I was sent on my way with a diagnonsis of vertigo :/  Thankfully, the doc prescribed me some meds and the next evening I was much better. The rest of the week included a "date" to the casino, a day at Disneyland, an afternoon at the arcade and a day lounging at the inlaws' pool.  It was just what the family needed!  Of course, I had to make sure to end our vacation on a memorable note.  On the road home we stopped the night at a hotel to rest.  I needed a shower before bed and ended up taking a hard tumble in the shower. I'm still hurting...I'm laughing about it now but I gave Mr. Man quite a scare with all the noise I made.

Of course, throughout our trip we saved money.  We packed plenty of snacks and beverages to save money on our two day drive.  We only had to pay for one Disneyworld ticket since Mr. Man's niece works at Disney and was able to get us in free! My mother in law cooked some of Mr. Man's favorite dishes which saved us a ton on eating out costs.

This week is going to be quite busy and I will be so happy when it is over. 

Off to finish glad to be home!

Nickelodeon Resort Room

Spongebob and Patrick

Cinderella's Castle at Disneyworld

Tomorrowland is my favorite :)

Buzz Lightyear

Parade with Mickey Mouse


Out My window said…
Sounds like a great time. Did you go in the pool and get water in your ears? That can cause vertigo if you are sensitive to the condition.
QandADebt said…
No...I didn't go in the pool. Not sure what exactly caused it but I've been okay since. Going to my Doc soon so hopefully nothing too serious.

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