Yay for Weekends!

So happy the weekend is here!  It has been a long week and I'm happy to say we did not order take out or eat out for dinner since at least last Saturday (can't remember any farther back! lol). The school year is wrapping up so I'll be happy to have the kiddos home. 

There is a lot going on with Mr. Man's job and after 14 years with the company he is considering leaving.  It seems they are going to cut his pay again all the while praising him for his job performance.  So I'm bracing for the job change....I'm a bit scared but he needs to be where he is appreciated.  He is not worried about finding another job but in the beginning it will be a pay cut.

I'm trying to bring in some extra cash and started to list on Etsy as well.  Ebay has been picking up so that is encouraging. Mr. Man wants to visit his parents this summer so we are buckling down to afford to make the trip.  We will need at least $2000 total for gas and expenses for the week.  It will definitely be a much needed recharge for all of us :)

Parting shot is of last nights dinner : Arroz con pollo translation Rice with chicken ;)


Out My window said…
Looks yummy, I know I have a vacation planned in July and I need at least $1500.00 and I have not put a penny aside. That will be my goal after this show.

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