Monday...this is going to be a good week!

Trying to pump myself up to get this week started right!  This weekend was fun filled :)  Saturday, we did an Autism Awareness walk in the early afternoon followed by a visit to an arts and crafts sale located by the Marina.  It was such a beautiful day to get out!  Sunday, we went to my brother's land in the country to meet my parents and 7 brothers and sisters and their families.  We flew kites, played silly games for prizes, had a water balloon/water gun fight, cracked confetti eggs, broke not one but two pinatas and then had egg hunts for the children, women and men. It was literally a day of play :) The kids had such a great time and all the adults managed to get along. 

Today, is slow going but I'm going to continue decluttering.  My room is the biggest challenge. I want it to be a place of serenity versus what it currently is...chaos.  Don't think I'll finish it today but if I can get it done by Friday I would be beyond pleased!

On the financial front, bills are getting paid which is a good thing! We have been tossing around the idea of a no spend month.  Has anyone done this and if did you prepare?  We are thinking June since the kiddos will be out of school.  I'm a bit apprehensive but Mr. Man is all for it!  I guess we know who is the!

My parting shot is my niece hitting the second pinata!


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