Debt Totals and Birthday Cake...
So here is where I stand as of March 1, 2012
Mortgage - $92,032
Auto Loan - $22,015
Loan - $ 6,352
CCA - $ 8,312
CCB - $ 4,789
CCC - $ 1,908
CCD - $ 1,816
CCE - $ 1,275
CCF - $ 1,796
CCG - $ 1,120
CCH - $ 1,200
Medical - $ 468
Medical - $ 544
Misc - $ 125
Total $143,752
I'm so glad to be making some progress. I also heard back about the focus group survey! I was accepted and will be doing it next week. I'm getting paid $85 (grocery store gift card). I will use it for Kiddo1's birthday dinner and cake! After this weekend, I'm sure it will be needed. I think Mr. Man and I will be cancelling our cable/phone/internet plan. After some quick research, we figured we could easily save about $110 a month by eliminating cable and switching to a cheaper internet/phone plan! So this week its gone. That will help considerably.
My parting shot is a pic of my Mom's birthday cake. I usually like to buy her a really nice one but this year I opted to make it. What it lacked in presentation it made up for in taste. LOL! Plus, I even made cake pops. Kiddo2 helped me, he mixed and sprayed the spray frosting. My Dad and Kiddo1 ate more than their fair share :)
Mortgage - $92,032
Auto Loan - $22,015
Loan - $ 6,352
CCA - $ 8,312
CCB - $ 4,789
CCC - $ 1,908
CCD - $ 1,816
CCE - $ 1,275
CCF - $ 1,796
CCG - $ 1,120
CCH - $ 1,200
Medical - $ 468
Medical - $ 544
Misc - $ 125
Total $143,752
I'm so glad to be making some progress. I also heard back about the focus group survey! I was accepted and will be doing it next week. I'm getting paid $85 (grocery store gift card). I will use it for Kiddo1's birthday dinner and cake! After this weekend, I'm sure it will be needed. I think Mr. Man and I will be cancelling our cable/phone/internet plan. After some quick research, we figured we could easily save about $110 a month by eliminating cable and switching to a cheaper internet/phone plan! So this week its gone. That will help considerably.
My parting shot is a pic of my Mom's birthday cake. I usually like to buy her a really nice one but this year I opted to make it. What it lacked in presentation it made up for in taste. LOL! Plus, I even made cake pops. Kiddo2 helped me, he mixed and sprayed the spray frosting. My Dad and Kiddo1 ate more than their fair share :)