Menu Plan Monday

Another Monday here and I've started my week right ...(sarcastic eyeroll).  I went to the doctor's office bright and early for labwork and then to the radiologist.  Hopefully, all comes back okay.  Besides that, my mom caught me up on some family drama (which thankfully I am not a part of).  And well I decided the first productive thing to do today would be prepare my weekly menu.

Monday - Baked chicken with veggies
Tuesday - Tacos
Wednesday - Roast and veggies
Thursday - GF Pasta and meat sauce
Friday - leftovers
Saturday - Momma's bday :)
Sunday - Porkchops, mashed potatoes and salad

I'm really trying to utilize what I have more and it seems to be working better than expected. I have felt a whole lot better since I've been cooking more at home.  I don't anticipate needing a whole lot this week from the grocery store so we will keep our fingers crossed. 

I am also trying to list more on Ebay and hope to have at least 25 auctions done by the end of the week.  If that can produce an extra 100 to 150 dollars by Friday that would be beyond great! My jars are looking a little sad. lol.

The above pic was a "rooting around the fridge looking for something to make for dinner" night. 

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!


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