Weekend Fun and Menu Plan Monday

Had a fun weekend. Happy MLK Day! Saturday we went go kart racing. It was fun and we spent a total of ZERO dollars at the amusement center. We had leftover points from our last visit, so before we left, the kiddos picked out a couple of prizes. Afterwards, my husband wanted to try out a cafe nearby so we had lunch there :) It was a nice treat and we each had the lunch special. Our total was $36 for pastries and our lunches. Sunday was a stay at home day. Husband cooked breakfast and dinner which was nice :) We watched the football game and then picked up some ice cream. Spent a total of $7. I think we did pretty good on spending for both days.
I'm hoping to spend $0 dollars today but we will see. I have plenty to keep me busy at home. The kids have the day off for MLK day so we might do an activity in relation to that. I also have a lot of organizing still left to do.
Menu Plan Monday
Monday - leftovers
Tuesdays - Gluten Free Spaghetti and Salad
Wednesday - Crockpot Soup
Thursday - Chicken Stirfry
Friday - Roasted Pork with Zucchini