Starting Money Jar System next week!

So I spoke with Mr. Man about using the money jar system.  He is sort of on board.  He said he can stay within a budget for the week (which I know he can) but he prefers to use his debit card. All that will be in the account is his allotted money for the week so it should work out fine. Next week we will start and  I'm excited but also a bit nervous about ending up with 5 empty jars!

This week I have been organizing so I have set aside a few things to sell on Ebay.  Whatever money I make will go towards 1 particular credit card and medical expenses.  I will be updating my debt totals next week which I'm actually looking forward to doing!


Anonymous said…
Good luck! I loved the jar system (I've since gone back to debit cards) but it really taught me how to stay within budget :)
Jolie said…
How exciting that you are starting the jars. It is a great way to get a good control over how much you are spending and where. I find that seeing the money go down in the jars has much more of a psychological impact on me than seeing my account go down when I pay with debit.

I still find myself 'afraid' of the jars going empty, after a few years of doing the jars.
Sharon said…
I don't use *jars* per se, but I do use cash in separate categories. Cash is king, I think you'll really like it!
~Carla~ said…
I strictly use cash and it's definitely the way to go!! At first it's a bit scary, but then it's freeing, because you know how much $$ you have to work with. Good luck!! Let us know how you do! :)
QandADebt said…
Ladies, thanks so much for the encouragement! I really do appreciate it.

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