Planning for a low spending weekend!

We always try to find ways to entertain tire out the kiddos.  This weekend should be a low spend weekend.  We will be using our free admissions for the battleship museum on Saturday.  For Sunday,  we have 10 free prepaid go kart rides at a local family amusement center.  They were left over from my kiddos birthday party so no spending there.  I will also be going to the used bookstore and selling back some of the kids books and letting them pick out a few. Today, I will be going to the grocery store and stocking up on things we need for the weekend.  Although I have Saturday as an eat out day, I think I will be cooking both days. How are your weekend plans shaping up?


Sharon said…
Sounds like a great plan! My kids are old enough to have homework occupy their whole weekend! It's me I have to worry about! :)!

QandADebt said…
I told them the other day that I feel like a birthday clown who always has to entertain them! Maybe I should have a talk with their!

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