Getting real...

So today is the first day of the jar method and its already proving to be a challenge.  Went to the grocery store today and my grocery budget for the week is pretty much wiped out.  Obviously we are spending way more than we thought.  Six days till the jars are filled again so we will see.  I had an invite to dinner and looked at our entertainment money... not a good idea.  I declined the invite.  I am so bummed :(  To add to that, I made the big mistake of listening to Mr. Man .  When we were finalizing our numbers yesterday, he asked or rather said "Do we really need a Miscellaneous jar?"  At the time nothing came to mind so I agreed we did not.  Well, lo and behold today I had an unexpected expense pop up.  Kiddo 1 needed some things for a project. So there went my weekly allowance. I'm feeling so overwhelmed its not even funny and its only day one!  I need to get it together and keep focused if I intend on this succeeding.  On the plus side, we have food in the fridge, gas in the car and something left in every jar.  Its just the extras (that realistically we don't need 95% of the time) that I am missing.  I'm hoping tomorrow will be way easier! 


Jolie said…
Don't get discouraged. It takes a bit of time to figure out the realistic numbers you need in your jars for each week. Budgets are not set in stone and it takes a few months of experimenting to tinker with the numbers and make it work for you.
QandADebt said…
Thanks so much Jolie :) I'm determined to make it work!

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