Socializing on a Budget

So tonight is a rare, rare occasion. I'm going to a Girls Night In.  It should be named Moms Night In because basically its a bunch of moms meeting at a mutual friend's house to eat, drink and chat. My main reason for going...the FOOD!! We each are to take a dish and its byob.  So of course my immediate thought is what do I take? Luckily, I was asked what's my specialty...which got me to thinking...banana pudding.  My family loves when I take banana pudding to our gatherings so I'm going to make it.  Its super easy and inexpensive to make...I use boxed pudding. Hey, I never claimed to be a great cook?! Hopefully it will look as nice as the stock pic above! I will also take a bottle of moscato so I can partake in a glass while I nosh, nosh and nosh!  My goal is to spend no more than 20 bucks. How do you socialize on a budget?


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