Life during a Stay at Home Order

Pic from our visit to NYC Dec 2019 Our city issued a stay at home order March 25, 2020. The kids have been not going to any public places since March 13, 2020. School will be closed till May. That may be extended but all we can do is wait and see. Some of you many know that I help care for my Dad in his home. He will be 91 years old tomorrow. To say he amazes me is an understatement. His will to live is strong despite being unable to walk or talk. He has dementia so some days he is very present and some days its a struggle. But through it all, he has given all eight of his grown children strength to persevere despite what life throws at us. I have reduced my hours caring for Dad since my kiddos are home. Kiddo2 requires help with schoolwork and some days have been challenging. I have a little more time to work on Ebay which has been a big help since I can list a few things to help buy Dad's essential needs. Daily Life has been a big adjustment. I'm still trying to ...