It’s been 1 yr and 7 months.... quickly time passes. It’s been about 1 year and 7 months since my last post. Let’s see..Dad is no longer in the hospital. He got out in November of 2017. He made another appearance in March of 2018. And has been home ever since not counting a day or two hospital stay. He is completely dependent on my sister and I. We rotate shifts caring for him. My brothers come and help on the weekends. It has not been easy caring for him and trying to take care of our families. We wish it would be easier but this is what God has given us and we are trying to handle it as best we can. It seems all my time has been swallowed up by Dad. I am in a much better place when it comes to caring for him. Obviously, my absence from here was due to my struggles to take care of it all. I can say now it’s still difficult but we’re managing. Dad requires 24 hour supervision and total care so free time is nonexistent. Thankfully, Mr. Man and the kiddos are doing good. I’m trying to hang in there and no...