
Showing posts from November, 2014

I need some help finding the perfect blog!

I love reading debt saving, meal planning and organizing blogs but the one thing I've noticed is that the majority are written by people who have kids under 7. While, I still enjoy reading I've been on the hunt for a blog that can provide some guidance for those of us with tweens and teens. Because as we all know they eat a WHOLE lot more than little ones.  As well as make a WHOLE lot more mess, have friends over and require a WHOLE lot more money.  And for me personally I have the added cost of a special needs child so I'm the odd woman out when it comes to finding a blog that fits our lifestyle. So I figured if I can find a few I can Frankenglue them together to give me a great guide to organinzing, saving and meal planning. LOL! So if you all have any good suggestions please do share, I would really appreciate it!

Brrr...A cold front blew in!

As I type my fingers are thawing out! A cold front blew in Wednesday night and its so cold today. Well, for us down here in South Texas its cold ...36 degrees F with the windchill it feels like 26 degrees F.  I know many of you up north deal with a whole lot colder weather but it might as well be 10 below 0 because all the heavy coats, mittens and hats have been pulled out.  By the way, I AM LOVING this weather.  I'm in such a can do mood in the  Today, I will be listing.  I need to make about 300 dollars by the end of the month. I've been researching a whole lot to see what price points are the best to get my items moving. A post or so ago I wrote about Dad wanting to close up shop.  I had a long talk with him and come to find out he does want to keep the booths open but he wasn't generating enough profit to pay the rent.  I didn't know we was pulling so much of his money out of pocket. So many of my siblings have been visiting that ...

Hooray! Paid off a credit card!

Hooray! Another glimmer of light has shown through our long dark tunnel of debt. We paid off Credit Card F.  It was our highest interest rate card. Seeing our debt slowly dissolving is motivation to keep going forward.  At times some sacrifices may seem huge but looking back they were so small and have now made a bigger impact. We can do this!