
Showing posts from June, 2014

Are we broke?

Summer is only one day in and already my kiddos have posed this question to me. I told them that just because we cannot go out and spend, spend, spend, that does not mean we are broke.  I said that in order to have a nice summer getaway we need to spend our money wisely.  Needless to say they moped around until sundown when we went to an outdoor movie at our local park.  They had a blast and it was free :) We still have a few more days till payday and I'm going to have to get creative with the activities.Yesterday, Kiddo2 had me assist in putting this together...LOL!

Trying to avoid backsliding into oblivion!

I have not written in a WHILE! I'm so glad school is almost out for summer. You would think I could remember all these expenses like yearbooks, class parties, teacher gifts and field trips. I finally laid it out in a language they could understand..."If we save money by NOT eating out and NOT buying random junk then a trip to DisneyWorld would be possible just about every year!" They were amazed! Now....they know we would not go to DisneyWorld every year but they actually were listening to what I was saying versus tuning me out. LOL! I plan on listing like a mad woman next week.  I need to make some moola in a serious way. Plus, my organizing has gone off track and I need to get it under control again. So much to do and I'm looking forward to it :) Have a great Weekend!